Peter Fisher Lawyers now offer clients a fast and cost effective online tool for Estate Planning and Family Law clients.

Peter Fisher Lawyers has partnered with Settify, an innovative and award-winning online tool which provides a concise overview of your current situation and general advice on next steps, to help you know where you stand.

The tool is simple and intuitive to use. The first step is to complete a short online questionnaire about your general circumstances. Once you have done that, you will receive a summary of your current position, and general advice about the next steps. When ready, you can then make an appointment with one of our legal practioners.  The Tool provides the information you have supplied to us, which ensures our first meeting will be efficient and targeted, with the time devoted to discussing your options and planning you best next steps –delivering timely information and a cost saving to you.

Click here to start your will online.

Click here to start your family law enquiry.