Hang on a minute, aren’t these the same thing? When I am happy, my child will be happy?
On one level the answer to this question is yes but in terms of Family Law there are other things to consider.
Making arrangements for your children following a seperation can be difficult and emotional. It is helpful in your negotiations to be guided by what the law shows us applies when dealing with children’s matters.
As outlined in the Family Law Act, what is in the best interests of the children is what ultimately matters. Children have a right to spend time with and have a meaningful relationship with each of their parents, where it is appropriate and safe to do so. You may not want to see your former spouse but it is important for you as parents to focus on the children’s best interests in your negotiations.
Do your best to avoid argument and consider what the children need in order to have a stable routine and a meaningful relationship with their mother and father.
Here at Peter Fisher Lawyers we can meet with you to discuss how to best resolve your separation, divorce, children or property matters, including negotiation with your former spouse. Call our office on 8296 2690 to make an obligation free appointment with one of our highly experienced Family Lawyers.